Saturday, January 2, 2010


Kay, guy so I am now on youtube. I did my monologue on a video and posted it, yeah. Now, I have to talk about something, so you know how some people say it`s bad to use this crazy thing called the internet to promote yourself, but really is it. I don`t think alot of people alot of people use the internet to get famouse I personally think it`s just to have fun and let the world in on it. You know like there are about 100 million people who want to be in the entertainment industry, and everytime I meet with an agent or a manger or anyone that knows you want to be in the entertainment industry their like why do you want to be an actor, and I always say because I love it I could not live with out acting, I would die without the ability to express myself. I don`t care If I am on the silver screen or if I can just be dramatic in the way I live life. I think that a passion is something that you could do with a million dollars in your pocket or 2 cents. I don`t like it when people try to judge you because you wan the world to see whot you do, well all of you fellow entertainers go and show work to everyone and bring joy to the world.LOL so her ya go pepples ( I spelled it wrong on purpose) Here is my monologue and please enjoy, and please go to my youtube page and leve me a message thanks guys. Luv YAH, PEACE.

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