Monday, January 25, 2010

Dating in teens

Why do us teenagers date? Is it practice for the future? Is it because we need to be attracted to someone? IDk but at this point we all think it`s normal for a girl to like a boy and a boy to like a girl, but are some of us just doing it to fit in? Are we really feeling a connection or is it just to raise your social status. In some cases for girls you feel like nothing until some guy tells you your beautiful, sometimes it`s for a good reason, sometimes it`s just to take advantage of you. A relationship is like a game you have to use tactics to get where you want to be, or you can just get up and leave the game. Truthfully most teenage relationships last for about a week, but maybe it`s not such a bad thing to date, maybe as human beings it's good to have someone there for you. I personally think as an experience you would grow from dating like you would by going to school. I think that fact that parents say NO, to a boyfriend or girlfriend is because they think that they will try and change and you will not be the sweet little baby they raised, but maybe just maybe, you will change but you will change to the way you choose to, not the way your partner has forced you to be, and maybe you will find yourself along the way.

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