Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not just clothes but a expression

Hello, Fellow earthlings. I just want to talk to you about this interesting fact that has come along to my disturbed mind. So I was trying on my outfit for school 2marrow, and I realize that my style is completely different than that of many girls at my school. I go to a performing arts school so there is not really a dress code so their are some strange fashions walking through the halls. I mean allot of people just dress to get attention, they dress to stand out on purpose. I personally think that clothes should be an expression, I think those girls who wear jeans, a top and, chucks are the most secure with themselves. I mean I`m not one of those girls. LOL, but i respect them I get dressed to my feelings if I`m really sad I get more dressy and if I`m secure that day I`l pull out a sweatshirt, skirt, leggings, and some chucks (I think chucks are a gift from GOD) I really find it interesting when you walk down the street and there you see so many different styles. I mean you don`t have to be Lady GaGa but I think that you should add your own swagger to your clothes. Especially in High School were it is a fashion show everyday, girls especially if you want to be on top you don`t have to just look better than your friends you have out dress every girl in the school. you should put you personality in everything from head to toe. from the way you were your hair to the way you tie your shoe laces. The song "Love is a Battlefield" Well let`s apply that to school is a battle field and you have to fight with every Besty Johnson pump you can. LOL

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