Saturday, December 31, 2011

Heard Your Pregnant. Whore

Soooo, this card has caused so much controversy. Oh, come on people loosen up have a sense of humor. Ok, so we are in a world we have a hit show called 16 and Pregnant and they can continually cast new seasons of the show. Also when your teens can name at least one girl or guy who has a kid I'm not saying that teenage moms are whores I'm just saying that if this card was going to made it should be made in this day and age. This card brings light to the situation. Not only for young kids giving to their friends but it would definently be funnier if the person is married or in committed relationship and your best friend gives you this card. I'm not saying that only people who are married or in a committed relationship aren't whores but if your pregnant in general and one of your friends gives you this card anyone with a sense of humor is going to laugh. My personal opinion when walk down the street you hear people answer the phone saying "Hey Whore", "Sup Bitch", and no one really blinks an eye can we just say anyone who gets angry over this card has no life. People who have no lives get riled over small things like that, here's the thing. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT. It really irritates me when people get pissed over stuff that doesn't involve them. I bet you the same people that are mad about this card are the same people who wanted to crucify Miley Cyrus because they said she was pole dancing when she was clearly standing there holding a pole not to fall. Some people just make things bigger than what it is. Another key thing, most people don't care if the card is on the shelves we will still shop at target. LOL


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