Monday, August 12, 2013

Victoria Vox and Katie Chambers interview


Again I have to apologize for not posting in a while but my life right now is completely full of changes which I will elaborate on in the next post but for right now we are here to talk about the new episode of A.O.W. When I started A.O.W I really had an idea, that's all it was an idea. Now it is still an idea that is growing. The reason why I point this out is because I have no idea how far this going to go or if it will go any further. From the beginning until now A.O.W has always been independent. I'm not sure if you all know that but there is no big film crew or a great talent scout looking for new Artist it is all me and my copartner. I think it is really cool to say I have a professional camera because I worked all summer to get it. We have a theme song because one of my friends is amazing. By the grace of God all of this has come to pass. I know this sounds like a goodbye speech but it isn't because A.O.W is not ending. I just needed to draw a comparison to the Artist on this episode. Victoria Vox and Katie Chambers. Two people that I look up to greatly. A, because they have taken time to learn their craft. Ok, before I get messages on twitter about how you don't need to go to college to be a musician. Let me explain. No! You do not need to go to college to become a musician, but in my opinion you must want to know your craft. You must want to continue to learn and you should want to be the best at whatever you're doing. That's I would like to say that I had a great time interviewing them. I try to interview people that are at different levels in their career because I believe for you and me to become a better Artist you must listen and learn from all people whether they are extremely Successful or just starting out. Katie Chambers I think is a great example of who Art is what you do not who you are. She is  great classically trained Cellist a very serious instrument but in real life she is happy go lucky extremely out going person.Victoria Vox is someone that is someone I think that all young Artist should admire because of her tenacity and innovation she is really making an impact on music that not many people can say they have done even the most "successful", performers cannot always say they have changed music. When watching this interview just keep in mind everyone has a story and every deserves to be listened to.

~Luv Micha

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