Saturday, May 18, 2013

Being on set!!!!

So, yesterday guys I got a job being an extra in a short film which I know a lot of people look down upon but really it is a cool experience because
A. you get food
B. you get to meet new people
C. your on set.

Really, to be honest I'm not even sure if I'm in any of the shots because I wasn't just background I was background background but who knows until I see it. When people ask me I always tell them I do recommend extra work because it is a learning experience and it is always good to take what is given to you especially when you are just starting out, but really it is just good to explore every opportunity.

Ok, guys so my youtube channel is going to start exploding with videos more covers, and of course some other stupid stuff so don't forget to subscribe so you can be on the up and up.

~Luv Micha

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A poem of Friendship Nikki Giovanni

I sometimes put up here things I really like and this poem was read at a wedding I catered with my job. I read it and instantly fell in love with it. I have never been in love but if I ever was I would have wanted it to feel like this and if I ever am I want it to feel like this. I think now in teen just in personal experience with friends and such we think that "Love", should be this way but we expect another way which is kind of interesting to me. But here it is A poem of Friendship by Nikki Giovanni and if you haven't already watched my interview with her I will put it at the bottom.

A poem of Friendship 

We are not lovers
because of the love
we make
but the love
we have
We are not friends
because of the laughs
we spend
but the tears
we save
I don’t want to be near you
for the thoughts we share
but the words we never have
to speak
I will never miss you
because of what we do
but what we are
Found the poem on

My interview with Nikki Giovanni

~Luv Micha