Thursday, December 27, 2012

Help my friend

Hey, guys I haven't written in a while. I will be posting more to give you an update on what I'm doing but right now I have a little favor to ask you. So, when I was a Freshman at my performing arts school. I had an amazing Senior class and my friend Billy was apart of it. She probally was one of the most amazing performers I have seen step on a stage what she can do with a character is beyond belief and I know whatever she does she will be a success at it, but right now she needs our help she needs to raise money to stay at Drew University where she is studying theater and where she was a lead character in "A raisin in the sun", so obviously she is doing quite well. So this is where you all come in my trusty blog readers you people have supported my interview series and I am asking you all to help her the way you all have helped me, but you only have 6 hours to do it. YEAH!!!! that's right 6 HOURS. You all don't have to donate anything if you don't have it but you could make sure that as many people know about her as possible. So, heres the link , if you all could go to it put it on your facebook that would be great!!!! 6 hours people to raise $555.000 we can do it guys.  and GO!!!!

~Luv Micha

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