Hey guys!!!
As many of you know I am now a Freshman in college, yes, yes I know our time together has gone by so fast. I really have not been posting that much because to be honest I have been sooo busy lately it is really hard to keep up with this blog. Though I am happy to say that there will be some pretty awesome announcements coming in 2014 so please stay tuned!!! But until them I have a big favor to ask of you guys. I have been chosen to go to Jamaica and and help people!! I know sounds like a weird way to put it, but in reality it is not I will be helping disabled children in Jamaica but not only will I be helping them they also will be helping me. I am a strong believer in helping one another, listening to one another and if we help each other than we can do great things. I feel that's the only way to keep the world going. It's kind of crazy to think in only 50 days it will be spring break, but in those 50 days I need you all to do me a favor. Spread this link around like wild fire http://www.mustardseed.com/site/TR/Events/General?px=1123045&pg=personal&fr_id=1745 . You don't have to donate anything, if you can that would be nice but if you can't I completely understand all I am asking you all to do is get the word out and help me reach my goal of $950.00 in 50 days.
Thank You sooooo much
~Luv micha