Friday, January 25, 2013

First Cover!!!


Guys I'm really excited to show you this video because this is my first cover on youtube I know it's not perfect but I am really happy about it. I've been playing the guitar for about a year now so the fact that I can play a whole song is really exciting LOL, so here it is I did it like 30 times so I finally found one I was ok with keeping so here it is I hope you guy like it. Here is my cover of In your arms by Kina Grannis.

~luv Micha

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


So today we have reached a pretty big number in my book. I'm sorry guys I haven't posted in a while but I will start doing it more but I am really focusing on my videos right now, but any was we reached a pretty big number today that number up there is the complete total of views A.O.W has received in the past 2 years. So, I guess for some people that number is not a big deal but for me it is. The series has grown beyond my belief. We have met sooo many amazing people and we have been some amazing places I just wanted to make this post to tell you guys that I really appreciate the support and this year for A.O.W it is going to be amazing because we are going to have a lot of cool new episodes and for me personally I am going to step into some new ventures so THANK YOU and I hope you all continue to support me and the series.

Thank  You
