Friday, March 16, 2012

ask and you shall recieve

I just want to say something really quickly. The thing I have learned the most with doing my interview series is to ask the worst thing people can say is no, and so what if someone says no you've heard no al your life. My series is no where near as big as some of the other series heck my channel only has 43 subscribers and Artist of The world has a grand total of 3. All you can do is ask I think once you do some soul searching and you identify what you want to do in life that you can figure out who to direct your questions to the right people and know what to ask of them. You can't live life afraid to jump in sometimes you have to just jump and hope that theres solid ground to catch you.

~Luv Micha

artist of the world now has a twitter

Hey guys Artist of The World "our story", now has a twitter now you can be updated on all the cool things happening so follow @artistoftheworl

~Luv Micha

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Really cool website #3: 500 greatest songs

So, I would marry stumble upon if it was a real person, but anyways it sent me this cool website that gives you 500 of the best songs ever made and maybe you should add them to your playlist I know I already

~Luv Micha

Saying yes or no to a role

Ok, So, I've been watching a few interview with some actors and talking to a few people and I have heard some people say "You must choose your roles wisely", which is true, but if acting is not your main source of income you probally should take what you can get as long as it doesn't compromise who you are a person. Now some jobs will not pay you and you have to decide whether to take that or not. The way I see it is the more you are on the stage the more comfortable you are and the more recognition you get. You have to ask yourself is it worth it. Acting shouldn't always be about making money it should be about learning and experiencing and doing it because you love it, and who knows maybe that one small job will lead you to your big break.

~Luv Micha

Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012

So, Guys I know you or have probally heard of it. This video Kony 2012. I'm not exactly sure how to help the best way I know how is to spread the word so Watch the video and show all your friends put it on your facebook just educate everyone that you know. The best way to fix something is to get recognition about it, and yes this film has had a lot of controversy but if their goal was to raise awareness they achieved their goal. Also this shows that we as people, we as young people can change the world if we work together so I am asking you all to be apart of this movement and share this information.

~Luv Micha

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

check out CIennaJade

Hey guys sooo This girl went to school with me and now she is doing big things and I appreciate all you guys support so I hope you all can support her the way you all support me. So please watch her videos and buy her Album Locker Status. On Itunes and if you check out your favorite online store you can probally buy it, so Guys she is extremely talented so guys check her out

So, check out her music her website at

~Luv Micha

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Best poems ever

  • ALICE : You would always wear these orange butterflies and aqua sequins ensconced tween slight bosoms silk roses dartin from behind your ears. The passion flower of you meandered down hoover street past dark shuttered houses where women from Louisiana shelled peas round three o’clock and sent their sons whistlin to the store for fatback and black-eyed peas. You glittered in heat and seemed to be lookin for rides when you wazn’t and absolutely eyed every man who wazn’t lame, white, or noddin out. Look at you. You let your thigh slip from under your skirt crossin the street. You slowed to be examined. I saw you I watched you sullen. And the rhinestones etching the corners of your mouth suggested tears fresh kisses that had done no good. You always wore your stomach out lined with small iridescent feathers. The hairs round your navel seemed to dance and you didn’t let on that you knew from behind your waist waz aching to be held.
  • TANGIE : You don't know me, I am not a deliberate coquette who never did without. What I want and I wanted to be unforgettable. I wanted to be a memory, a wound to every man arrogant enough to want me. I am the wrath of women in windows fingerin shades. Ol lace curtains camouflaging despair and stretch marks. I glittered honestly delighted I am desired and allowed those especially schemin tactful suitors to experience my body and spirit. Tearin so easily blending with theirs. And they were so happy and lay on my lime sheets full and wet from my tongue. I kissed them reverently even ankles edges of beards... You don't know me
These are from the movie that was a play for colored girls and is by far my favorite pieces .

~luv Micha