Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stuff Black Grandads say

SO, I made this video as an idea I had a long time ago. I know it's not original there are so many of these on youtube but I haven't seen this one up so I hope you guys like it. I kind of got bored during Thanksgiving break so here's what we came up with I hope you guys relate to it and think it's funny. I did just based on my own experiences.

LOL, Luv Micha

Heres a pick of the costume I put together

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Coll3ge APPS

SOOOO, guys I am at that crucial stage in my senior year where I am filling out all of my College applications which I hope to be done with by Friday actually So, I can start the waiting game and work on Scholarship Applications (to bad theres not a common app for those) If you guys are filling out College apps let me know how it's going. I've been looking back at my blog and I'm actually pretty happy with the way it has come out. I kind of regret not being able to post more and load more videos I might bring my camera to school tomorrow but who knows I really want to show you guys more but really right now I will have to hold off but I'm working on some things I hope you all will enjoy.

~Luv Micha