Saturday, October 29, 2011

Your not American

My new video on youtube check it out .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween for girls

So, you know that saying that halloween is for girls just to dress as sluts, I honestly don't see a problem with it I mean I don't want you to go so far but we all know that limit. I don't think theres a problem with girls dressing a little bit more skimpy on that one night. I mean come on what other night are you going to be able to do it without people judging you?

~LUV Mika

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The place that changed my life

So guys I know it's kind of late seeing that I got back from France in July and it is now October lol. So I just wanted to talk about it. So if you don't know I got a scholarship this summer to go to France and study theater and with that program I got the opportunity to do a play entirely in french. So during the school year in my Freshman year as some of you know if you reed my blog I went to a performing arts school. Yes, but I was doing really well in French 2 so in my Sophomore year they decided to put me in Honors French 3 and I started to struggle with it so I was thinking "Hey I need to go to France this summer", and another voice on my shoulder said "Girl, your crazy there is no way you are not going to France", So my teacher told me about this program and it had a theater program and long story short I got to go to France and it was an amazing opportunity. So when I went to France I hadn't even stayed over a friends house before so the fact that I would be gone a month by myself in a foreign country was a little nerve racking. I stayed with a host family and the were extremely helpful. So the first day they came and picked me up from the train station my host sister wasn't used to my english so we couldn't communicate that well. But she was looking through my ipod and she goes "Justin Nozuka I know Justin Nozuka", and it turns out she loves ACDC, Aerosmith, Joan Jett and that's basically how we bonded throughout my stay. When I was in France I got to study Mime with a professional mime and that was a great experience. When I was at my last school I had movement for actors and I struggled with movement but in mime class I got to do emotion completely through movement and I learned how acting is through the core. I learned how much you have to commit to something because if you don't no one will believe it if you don't.I had so much fun with my mime teacher he was like "I will teach you French and you will teach me English", So I told him when Americans are ready to leave we say "Let's blow this popsicle stand", and he repeated it in his strong French accent it was great. He truly was a great person and teacher. So I got to stay in Avignon when the Avignon theater festival is and it was an experience I would like any artist to experience. I mean I love festivals but this was just me being a kid in a candy store. So it's just this place of creativity and performers on the street and vendors selling things and in the beginning of the festival we saw the parade they have to kick off the festival and it was amazing just to see them perform in the streets. My favorite play we saw was a play called "Duel", and yeah, it was amazing it was not really a play it was where these two musicians did songs and beats and things like that. Before we did the play we got to see a play at the comedy de Francais that was really colt see the different audience and how the plays were set up. Yeah, so the seats weren't really comfortable lol, but the acting was amazing so it was all good. After that we got to go to the Louvre and that was amazing I really got the image of the French culture. I saw the Mona Lisa and it was quite interesting because you see all of these people from all over the world come to see this painting. What is so special about this painting? She's not gorgeous she is pretty but average. So what makes this painting just so special? It was amazing to see because all of these people crowded around it smiling some people crying and it was just amazing to see. You don't have to be magnificent to change the world you just have to be yourself and the mystery of the woman may never be solved but whatever happens people will always wonder about the Mona Lisa. The next step was the play which was probally the hardest thing I will ever do in my acting career (if I get a chance to have an acting career) to do a play in a completely different language with a director that is a genius but speaks whole nother language than you do. He kept asking me qu'est tu fait? And I kept replying Je ne fait pas. It was an amazing experience and I am so happy I did it because the play the funnest play I have ever done. France was inexperience of a lifetime and I'm happy I had the time chance to go do it. I am truly blessed. I encourage you all before you go to college or while your in college to go to another country far away from everything you know and then I feel that you can get your goals straightened out and you can really find out the person that you are. I will hopefully be uploading a video of me and some of my pictures and add some more to my picture page. Thanks for reading my blog and please stay tuned for more things I am sorry I have not been updating my blog but I will try and make it more frequent but I will be adding more updates, book reviews, pictures, videos and stories.

~Luv Micha