Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Website

Hey guys!

I want to thank you all for following this blog for the last 4 years, but as my career has grown and the website has grown I have decided that Artist of the worlds needs its own official website. I will eventually get my own website as well but at this point in time I am not sure how much I will be adding to this blog. I will continue to update you on my career and through my fanpage and eventually my own website but I would officially like to keep my career and the webseries separate. Thank you all for the nearly 14,000 views I have gotten on this blog but it is now time to try and start something new. I hope you all will decide to follow me on my Facebook fan page and and will follow A.O.W to it's new home here. I hope you all are still following your dreams just like I am following mine.

~Luv Micha

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Toni Romiti and the new phase in Artistry.

Have you heard of a girl named Toni Romiti? No. What about "Bish Whet?". Now you've got it. So, I was recently turned onto her from my cousin who is more in tuned to the underground hip hop world than I am. At first I was like who is this chick? I had never seen her vines, so I hadn't heard of her. Then I heard her song 'Nothing on Me' and I decided to research a little bit more. I realized that though she has a lot of fans she also has a lot of haters which to me is a good thing. These aren't Rebecca Black haters these are girls that are just jealous of her. Another thing that I realized is that she and many other young girls are capitalizing on their internet fame and their fans that attend the same grades they do. I feel like this is the new hip hop. No one listens to the radio anymore. The radio very rarely plays the music most young people are listening to. Well, most urban kids are listening to. A lot, of people say she really isn't an artist but in reality she most definitely is. You can judge her singing ability for yourself,  but let's look at it. She is a young women around the age of 19 or 20. Who doesn't have a whole team of people backing her, all she has are her fans, friends and family. But, for some reason it is working. Her video for 'Nothing on Me', has broken 1 million views and she is soon going on tour. Most girls her age (including me) are struggling to pay for college. The music industry should take note. This is the direction the industry is going. The power is no longer in the major labels. The power is in the smaller Artist with a good number of dedicated fans. Those are the Artist that are going to survive the inevitable decline of the music industry. This generation is slowly but surely taking their places as the new leaders in the world and I'm not sure this is the worst thing.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Help me go to Jamaica!

Hey guys!!!

As many of you know I am now a Freshman in college, yes, yes I know our time together has gone by so fast. I really have not been posting that much because to be honest I have been sooo busy lately it is really hard to keep up with this blog. Though I am happy to say that there will be some pretty awesome announcements coming in 2014 so please stay tuned!!! But until them I have a big favor to ask of you guys. I have been chosen to go to Jamaica and and help people!! I know sounds like a weird way to put it, but in reality it is not I will be helping disabled children in Jamaica but not only will I be helping them they also will be helping me. I am a strong believer in helping one another, listening to one another and if we help each other than we can do great things. I feel that's the only way to keep the world going. It's kind of crazy to think in only 50 days it will be spring break, but in those 50 days I need you all to do me a favor. Spread this link around like wild fire  . You don't have to donate anything, if you can that would be nice but if you can't I completely understand all I am asking you all to do is get the word out and help me reach my goal of $950.00 in 50 days.

Thank You sooooo much

~Luv micha

Monday, October 28, 2013

Check out my Actors Access

Okay Guys I said I had some announcements to make ok,so are you ready?

.....Well, I signed to new representation and I want you to go and check it out.

~Luv Micha

I will Follow you into the Dark

Hey Guys!!!

So, I did another cover that I want you guys to check out. In a few weeks I will be announcing some cool stuff so stay tuned. Sorry for the delay but College is occupying a lot of my time right now.
But I am really excited to announce some cool things for you guys but you just gotta hold on a little while longer lol,

~Luv Micha

Monday, September 2, 2013


Hey guys!!!!

So, I am still here in New York Chilling trying to figure out going to school and working on my career but while I am trying to do that. I got some time in between classes and chilling and I made this cover Just me fooling around but hope you guys enjoy it.

~Luv Micha

Sunday, August 25, 2013


So, I have some exciting news for you guys I am in New York!! I know what you're saying "you're always in New York", but really I'm here for good, (well not really for good but I am in college) so right now I am here for at least 3 months. Sooooo what does this mean? I don't really know to be honest. I am just her in the big apple the place where dreams are made of and I am trying to make my dreams come true. What does this mean for A.O.W? Well, right now we are not shooting considering my camera person is still in the DMV, but this does not mean it is over!!! lol. I am here making lots of connections some of them which you will see on the series soon, but I have one more episode for you that will be uploaded very soon. This will be the last episode for a little while. Sooo about my covers and videos!!!! Since I know you all are dying to see them (JK). I am finding places on campus where I feel comfortable playing my guitar and saying but also I am working on some scripts for some new videos! While I am here I will be working with new representation so stay tuned for that. All right guys I should be sleeping I have a class at 11 tomorrow. I AM OFFICIALLY A COLLEGE STUDENT YAAAAHHHH !!!

~Luv Micha